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Dean of Chess Annual Membership

DOCA Membership



The Dean of Chess Academy (DOCA) Membership entitles you to discounts on classes and various other premiums including:

  • Free entry into DOCA USCF rated League Nights (Wednesday & Thursday nights from 7:30pm)

  • $10 off every tournament entry fee (Kids Quads and Scholastic Tournaments)

  • Discounts on classes ($10 off Beginner / Intermediate sessions and $15 off Advanced Sessions)

United States Chess Federation (USCF) Annual Memberships

The United States Chess Federation (USCF) is the official governing body and not-for-profit organization for chess players and chess supporters in the United States.


Scholastic  USCF Membership (12 & under)

Includes online access to Chess Life for Kids, the right to earn a chess rating in the official national rating system.


Youth USCF Membership (13-15)


Includes online access to Chess Life, the right to earn a chess rating in the official national rating system.


Young Adult USCF Membership (16-24)


Includes online access to Chess Life, the right to earn a chess rating in the official national rating system.


Adult USCF Membership (25-64)


Full membership. Includes 12 issues per year of Chess Life, the right to earn a chess rating in the official national rating system.


Senior USCF Membership (65+)


Full membership; must be age 65 or over. Includes 12 issues per year of Chess Life, the right to earn a chess rating in the official national rating system.

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